November 27, 2018, 12:30-6pm
Watch recordings from our Boston, MA event below.
Why Outcomes Matter
Introduction: Outcomes and Why They Matter
What does it mean, and what does it take, to shift to an outcomes-based world?
- Prabal Chakrabarti, Senior VP of Regional and Community Outreach, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston
- Jen Talansky, Managing Director of Knowledge & Impact, Nonprofit Finance Fund
- Antony Bugg-Levine, CEO, Nonprofit Finance Fund
Partnerships in Housing
A Collaborative Approach to Solving Family Homelessness
How working together to prevent evictions means better health and economic outcomes for families.
- Sheila Dillon, Chief of Housing, City of Boston
- Pam Goodman, CEO, Beacon Communities LLC
- Matt Pritchard, CEO, HomeStart
- Moderator: Kerry Sullivan, President, Bank of America Charitable Foundation
Reframing the Problem
If It Ain't Broke...Nevermind. It's Broke. Let's Fix It!
Angela Bovill discusses how funding the 'middle' of the spectrum will mean we can tackle more problems upstream.
- Angela Bovill, CEO, Ascentria Care Alliance
Summer Learning: Evidence-Based Action and the Quest for Proof
How a summer learning initiative led to a deep dive for data and helped close student achievement gaps.
- Rahn Dorsey, former Chief of Education, City of Boston
Beyond the Social Impact Bond: Putting Outcomes to Work
The Social Impact Bond took the social sector by storm, but now it's evolving. What's next?
- Tracy Palandjian, CEO, Social Finance
Partnerships in Food
Moving to Outcomes: The Relationship Between Food and Health
How the rise of medically-tailored meals has increased positive health outcomes for communities.
- Catherine D'Amato, President and CEO, The Greater Boston Food Bank
- Ashley Stanley, Executive Director, Lovin' Spoonfuls
- David Waters, CEO, Community Servings
- Moderator: Jeff Poulos, CEO, Philanthropy Massachusetts
- Antony Bugg-Levine, CEO, Nonprofit Finance Fund